The musings of ME:
SAH mother of 3 kids, spouse of a doctor-in-residency, caretaker and teacher of random children.

Friday, December 5, 2008


There is a special bond between sisters. It is funny how much you can loathe each other growing up, and how much you miss each other when you're grown and don't see each other all the time anymore. I know I tortured my sister when we were growing up and I am so sorry for that. I wish I had been nicer to her when we were little. She was always so tender-hearted and thoughtful to me. When she was 4 or so, and went to an ear specialist (she had major ear issues when she was little), she asked for a second sucker for me at the end of the visit. That is just how she was. And then there was me. I was such a devil-child. My poor mom. Most of the time, all I did was take advantage of Meg. I hope my children do not follow in my footsteps.

I remember one time I literally beat her up for a spot on the couch to watch ALF and when my dad came in the room, I said, "I dunno. She fell." Or the time I asked her to get me a drink of water so I could watch her get soaked by the sprayer that I had rigged with a rubber band. Or, seeing that she was engaged in play, sneaking out of the room and running down the stairs, knowing that she was petrified of being upstairs alone. When she'd hear me run down the stairs, she'd follow me, and then plop down at the top of the stairs, sobbing.

I also remember both of us being sent to our rooms for bickering. Our punishment was to clean our rooms while we were in there. As we did so, we'd find articles of clothing or toys that belonged to the other, so we'd throw them into the open room across the hall. It started as a way to annoy the other, but ended in us wearing Little Mermaid panties on our heads in an all-out balled-up sock war, laughing hysterically.

I also remember being the cool older sister who made tents for Meg and her friends to sleep under when they spent the night. Or choreographing and videotaping Meg and her friends doing a dance to a popular song. I even once dressed up like Papa Bear at age 14 so they'd have the complete Goldilocks and the 3 Bears group for Halloween. Or she'd let me practice my french braiding skills on her long hair for hours. ( she is the hairstylist and I go to her!)

I began reminiscing when I was looking through some pictures we took together on various holidays and vacations throughout the past few years. My sister is one of my best friends. I love to laugh with her, and she is one of the easiest people I know to laugh with! As an adult, I miss her dearly, and lament time I don't get to spend with her when one of us can't stay long enough. Here are a few pics of us in our adulthood.

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